Male Fertility
One of the areas I love working in the most as a naturopath is fertility. I love working with couples to assist them with their dream of becoming a parent. This area is something that is so close to my heart given the struggles my husband and I had conceiving our beautiful daughter. We worked hard together as a team on our health in order to have our dream baby.
One of the biggest misconceptions in this area is that only the female needs support when trying for a baby. This actually makes no sense at all as it takes a sperm and an egg to make a baby! So this is why it is so important that men also need to look after their health too. WHY? Because healthy men produce healthy sperm and having a healthy sperm increases your chances of conceiving and going on to have a healthy baby.
A recent study found that sperm counts from men in North America, Australia, Europe and New Zealand have dropped by more than 50 percent in the last 40 years.
So when working in the fertility space it is best that both the male and the female attend the consultation as It is important that all men are educated about healthy lifestyle also.
Here are my tips to help improve your chances of conceiving naturally:
Maintain a healthy weight
Follow a healthy diet that includes lots of leafy greens, wild caught salmon, grass fed beef, fresh fruit and nuts (speak to your natural health practitioner about a diet that supports your own individual needs)
Eliminate processed foods and sugar
Eat organic foods
Quit smoking
Reduce caffeine as this can lead consultation imbalances, dehydration and mineral deficiencies.
Eliminate alcohol (and obviously recreational drugs!)
Manage Stress
Check any prescription medication you are on to ensure it isn’t impacting your sperm health.
Balance your hormones, and improve your sperm quality herbs such as Damiana, Tribulus, Withania, Ginger may help.
Supplements such as Vit D, CoQ10, Magnesium, Fish Oil, Folate, and zinc all have positive effects on sperm quality and may also assit in balancing hormones.
Working with a qualified health practitioner can help you to navigate the world of fertility and put together a comprehensive treatment plan for both the male and the female.
Natural Treatments for Menopause
Looking for ways to manage your menopause symtoms natually? Then read on!
Are you currently going through menopause and looking for ways to mange your symptoms naturally? Many women when they reach menopause start to experience symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, and trouble sleeping just to name a few. Most women I speak are of the belief that menopause is a dreaded painful process that we cannot control, but Im here to tell you there are plenty of ways to manage your symptoms naturally and regain your health and vitality.
So firstly what is menopause?
Menopause is the absence of a menstrual cycle for a period of 12 months or more, it is the permanent end of your permanent cycles and fertility. This generally occurs in women in their late 40’s and 50’s. The process is a completely natural process and not something to be worried about or dread, with the right support you can make this transition quite easily and live a well balanced life for many years to come.
Signs and Symptoms of Menopause:
Irregular Periods and absence of a period.
Hot flashes and night sweats
Mood swings, irritability, anxiety or depressive symptoms
Vaginal dryness and decreased sex drive
Increased abdominal fat and weight gain
Insomnia and changes in sleep quality
Dry skin and thinning hair
Frequent urge to urinate
How long does menopause last?
Most women transition through these changes for five to 10 years. For most, it’s closer to about five years, but symptoms might come and go for other women for much longer.
So how can you prepare your body for menopause and best manage your symptoms?
Eat a healthy diet.
Eat plenty of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables every day and reduce processed and packaged foods. Reduce your sugar and caffeine intake also. Be sure to get plenty of high fibre foods in your diet.
Increase your water intake and drink filtered water
Exercise, this can improve mood, increase muscle mass and improve bone density in order to avoid osteoporosis.
Focus on 8 hours of good quality sleep
Reduce stress
Repair your gut, this will ensure you are absorbing your nutrients
Herbal remedies can be used to bes manage your symptoms, these include:
Black Cohosh
Can relieve hot flashes and night sweats and also improve sleep quality, reduce hormonal imbalances tied to diabetes or fibroids.
Red Clover
This herb is great in treating hot flashes and also improves bone density in those that are at risk of osteoporosis.
Can relive hot flashes also and is great for balancing hormones.
St Johns Wort
This herb is used to treat depression, improve sleep quality and calm the nerves.
Supplements that have also been shown to be beneficial include:
Magnesium plus Taurine - this is calming to the nervous system and can help improve sleep
Evening Primrose Oil - great for hot flashes
Managing your symptoms naturally can help you transition through menopause easily and help you enjoy the life you have worked hard to build.
Treating and Preventing Osteoporosis
How to prevent and manage Osteoporosis
Treating and preventing Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition that affects 1 in 2 women in Australia and 1 in 3 men over the age of 60 with a total of 3% of the Australian population being affected.
What is Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that is most commonly silent and develops over many years unnoticed, it impacts 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men in Australia with a total of 3% of the Australian population being affected. It occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too much bone, or both. Many people experience no obvious symptoms as you are not able feel or notice your bones starting to weaken. It is generally discovered at a bone density scan or in the event of a fracture occurring.
Osteoporosis is generally seen in women over the age of 50, although younger women and men too can develop this condition. It’s estimated that about one in two women and up to one in four men over the age of 50 will break a bone at some point due to osteoporosis. After midlife, it is estimated that there is a 1% of bone loss each year.
Signs and Symptoms of Osteoporosis.
Osteoporotic bone breaks. Fractures and breaks most commonly occur in the hip, spine or wrist bones. They also affect the feet, knees and other parts of the body.
Limited mobility, trouble getting around and difficulty completing everyday activities.
Bone pain, sometimes which is permanent and intense.
Loss of height.
Hunched or stooped posture. This occurs because the vertebrae, the bones of the spine, can become weaker.
Feelings of isolation and depression.
Osteoporosis Causes & Risk Factors
Low bone mass is usually caused by a combination of factors, which include aging, nutrient deficiencies due to poor diet and gut health, or existing health conditions as listed below.
The main causes of osteoporosis include:
Inactivity, or too little exercise which helps to maintain bone mass
High alcohol intake
Low body weight
Decline in hormones after menopause.
Hormonal changesm especially low estrogen levels in women, which is the cause of many menopause symptoms.
Low levels of testosterone in men can also decrease bone mass. Women suffer from osteoporosis more than men largely because of a decrease in hormones after menopause.
History of medical conditions such as autoimmune disorders, pulmonary disease, kidney or liver diseases
Long-term use of certain medications, including proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), aromatase inhibitors, fertility drugs/hormonal medications, anti-seizure medications and steroids (glucocorticoids or corticosteroids).
Low vitamin D levels
High amounts of emotional stress and depression
Nutritional deficiencies, especially in vitamins and minerals that help to build bone such as calcium, phosphorus and vitamin K
Weight loss, dieting that results in severe calorie restriction and malnutrition
Breast or prostate cancer
Hyperparathyroidism or hyperthyroidism
Cushing’s syndrome
Inflammatory bowel disease
Autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or multiple sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including emphysema
10 Natural Osteoporosis Treatments.
It has commonly been believed that calcium is the best optionl in treating and preventing bone disease such as osteoporosis, however randomized controlled trials have shown that high levels of calcium in the blood and bones can in fact significantly reduce the uptake and use of magnesium leading to a magnesium deficiency in the body. When this occurs, is can cause an imbalance in the ratio between calcium and magnesium causing high amount of calcium to be stored in the tissues leading to arthritis and osteoporosis
So, what is the best way to manage your symptoms and prevent the disease progressing further?
Here are 10 steps to help.
1. Eat a Healthy Diet
Best foods to include in your diet are, leafy green vegetables, fresh fruit, wild caught fish, and almonds. Eating prunes has also been shown to beneficial effect on bone health, up to 100mg per day.
2. Supplementation;
- Calcium (1300mg) Choose calcium citrate which is best absorbed.
- Vitamin D: (5,000IU) Vitamin D helps improve calcium absorption.
- Magnesium (400-800mg/day) Magnesium is required for proper calcium metabolism.
- Vitamin K2 (100 mcg daily) — Needed to form a protein critical for bone formation.
- Boron for bone health, often a deficiency in those with osteoporosis.
3. Herbal remedies
- Boswellia for inflammation and pain.
- Turmeric for inflammation and pain.
- Willow Bark for pain
- Ginger - increase circulation
- Prickly Ash – promotes blood flow and removes waste
4. Weight bearing exercises to build bone and muscle strength and prevent fractures.
5. Exercises to improve balance such as tai chi.
6. Stay active and get plenty of safe sun exposure
7. Avoid, tea, coffee, sugar, salt, soft drinks, red wine.
8. Address gut health in order to improve nutrient absorption and reduce inflammation.
9. Sleep, ensure adequate sleep. 8 hours per night, in bed by 10pm.
10. Plenty of water
As always its best to work with a qualified practitioner when taking supplements.
Adrenal Fatigue
How are you feeling today? Did you bounce of bed full of energy? Or did your alarm go off, did you hit snooze a million times, wish that it was Sunday, drag yourself out of bed and into the shower and then make your way to the kitchen for a coffee to get you through the morning. Then did you start to pick up around mid-morning and get some work done and then around 3pm did you start to crash again, start searching for an afternoon pick me up to get you through the rest of the day, feel ok until dinner time and then fall back into bed exhausted.
Some of you may have found you got a second wind up around 10pm and stayed up late reading watching TV and playing on your phones only to wake up more often during the night and not fall into a deep relaxing sleep. Some may have jumped into bed at the earliest opportunity they could only to wake up around 4am and not be able to get back to sleep.
Then we just hit rinse and repeat onto the next day right!? Who can relate to this?
These types of patterns are signs that your body is out of balance and in need of some support. We live in a fast paced world with many different stressors coming at us multiple times a days, you might be a working parent that is rushing to drop the kids at school, sitting in traffic to get to our busy high pressure jobs, you might have recently lost a loved one, been through a relationship breakdown, have found out some bad news, work shift work, have financial stressors, have deep underlying emotional trauma, there are so many different issues that can impact our daily lives and cause us to feel stressed.
Our bodies are not designed to be constantly stressed, and when this is ongoing without a break we can find ourselves stuck in what is known as the “fight or flight” response.
Our adrenal glands play a huge role in our stress response and when they become fatigued it is because they cannot keep up with the huge amount of daily stress many people experience. When our brain registers that there is a threat, this may be an emotional, mental or physical threat, the adrenals release cortisol and adrenaline in order to help you respond to this threat. Blood then rushes to the brain, heart and muscles activating the fight or flight response. The adrenals then release corticosteroids in order to reduce the function of non-life saving body systems such as digestion, the immune system, and reproductive system as these body systems are not necessary for immediate survival.
Factors that can impact our stress response:
Death of loved one, or a relationship breakdown / divorce
Exposure to environmental toxins and pollution
Prolonged stress due to financial hardship
Bad relationships, stressful work environment
Negative thinking and emotional trauma
Poor sleep quality or lack of sleep
Poor diet lacking in essential nutrients
Lack of exercise
Food sensitivities
Adverse events in childhood that have caused trauma
Reliance on stimulants like caffeine
Over training for things like a marathon without sufficient rest
These are all factors that play a role in adrenal fatigue, signs to look out for include:
· unexplained weight loss or weight gain
· digestive disorders
· body aches and muscle pain
· fatigue (difficulty getting out of bed in the morning)
· low blood pressure
· salt and sugar cravings
· shakiness
· light-headedness after skipping a meal
· dizziness upon standing
· feeling of tired and wired
· sleep disturbance
· low libido
· infertility
· thyroid imbalances
· hair loss
· blurred vision
· severe allergies
Top tips on how to overcome adrenal fatigue:
· Dietary changes, cut out the sugar, alcohol, caffeine and carbs
· Eat a healthy protein rich diet for breakfast
· Increase nutrient dense foods, leafy green vegetables, protein and healthy fats
· Sleep! Be in bed by 10pm, no screen time!
· Look at supplements to support your healing (listed below)
· Learn how to breathe properly
· Lifestyle changes – meditation, yoga, walking, tai chi, swimming, weight bearing exercise. Not HIIT workouts until you are healed
· Say no, don’t overcommit to things and ensure time out for yourself. (no, its not selfish!)
· Avoid negative people and negative self-talk
· Seek help for past traumatic events
Supplements and herbal remedies are also great to help enhance your healing, my top supplements are:
- Adaptogenic Herbs, such as Withania, Rhodiola, Licorice, and Holy Basil
- Magnesium, Fish Oil, Selenium, B-complex vitamins Vitamin C, l-theanine
Always remember though that we cannot supplement our way out of poor lifestyle and diet choices. Always seek advice from a qualified naturopath before taking supplements also.
Histamine Intolerance
Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Do you get an itchy tongue when you eat bananas or avocados? Does your face flush when you drink red wine?
You may be suffering from a Histamine intolerance.
What exactly is histamine?
Many people associate histamine with unwanted allergies. While histamine in excessive amounts can be troublesome it does play an important role in the the body .Histamine is a chemical which is involved in your immune system, it is also responsible for proper digestion. As a neurotransmitter, it communicates important messages from your body to your brain. It is also a component of stomach acid, which is what helps you break down food in your stomach.
This is because histamine’s role in the body is to cause an immediate inflammatory response. It serves as a red flag in your immune system, notifying your body of any potential attackers.
Histamine causes your blood vessels to swell, or dilate, so that your white blood cells can quickly find and attack the infection or problem. This is part of the body’s natural immune response, and typically enzymes will break down the histamine so that it doesn’t build up. If for some reason you don’t break down histamine properly, it begins to build up and you develop what we call histamine intolerance.
Histamine travels through your bloodstream, therefore it can affect your gut, lungs, skin, brain, and cardiovascular system, contributing to a wide range of symptoms, and often making a histamine intolerance difficult to pinpoint and diagnose.
There are two main enzymes in the body that break down histamine, one is known as HMT ( N-methyltransferase) and this enzyme deals with histamine in the central nervous system. The other is DAO (diamine oxidase) which is responsible for breaking down histamine in the foods we eat.
When the DAO enzyme activity is deficient it causes histamine to be reabsorbed back into the blood stream causing an excess, which then leads to an allergic reaction. Certain foods and drinks such as energy drinks, alcohol and tea can work as DAO blockers which can cause the excess to occur. Other factors that occur in the body that can cause low DAO activity include, gluten intolerance, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, and inflammatory bowel disease, medications such as anti-histamines, anti-inflammatory medications, anti-depressants and immune modulators.
Histamine Intolerance Symptoms:
Difficulty falling asleep
Vertigo or dizziness
Arrhythmia, or accelerated heart rate
Difficulty regulating body temperature
Nausea, vomiting
Abdominal cramps
Nasal congestion, sneezing, difficulty breathing
Abnormal menstrual cycle
Tissue swelling
What are the causes of Histamine Intolerance:
Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Leaky Gut
GI bleeding
Diamine Oxidase (DAO) deficiency
Histamine-rich foods
Nutrient deficiencies (B12, folate, B6, B2, B1, Zn, C, methionine)
Allergies (IgE reactions)
High Histamine Foods Include:
Additives and preservatives
Alcohol (particularly beer and wine)
Coffee and tea
Cured and smoked meats and seafood
Dried fruits
Histamine-Releasing Foods (to be avoided also)
Cow’s Milk
Many artificial preservatives and dyes
Low Histamine Foods:
Freshly cooked meat or poultry
Wild caught fresh fish
Cooked eggs
Gluten-free grains such as rice, quinoa, corn, millet, amaranth
Peanut butter
Fresh fruits such as mango, pear, watermelon, apple, kiwi, cantaloupe, grapes
Fresh vegetables (aside from tomatoes, spinach, avocado, and eggplant)
Dairy substitutes such as coconut milk, rice milk, hemp milk, almond milk
Cooking oils: olive oil, coconut oil
Herbal teas
Top tips to help address histamine intolerance:
Nutrient Supplementation
Quercetin (antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties)
Vitamin B6 (increases DAO activity)
Vitamin C (increases histamine metabolism and breakdown)
Vitamin E (may decrease mast cell activation)
Magnesium sulfate (inhibits the release of histamines)
Specific strains of probiotics also support histamine intolerance
Herbs to support include, Albezia, Nettle and turmeric
Eliminate high histamine foods and follow a low histamine diet (as above)
Balance Hormones
Reduce medicaitons
Treat DAO deficiency
Address stress and lifestyle factors
Hopefully this information is helpful and can help you elimate your seasonal allergies and histamine intolerance. Any quesions, as always please reach out.
Much love
Kylie xo
Childrens Health - Addressing Behavior and Sleep Issues
Adressing childrens gut health can be a key factor in improving their sleep quality and behavioural issues.
I see a lot of young children in my role as a naturopath and when I ask the parents what their biggest concern is when it comes to their kids, most parents have the same answer, sleep problems, anxiety, hyperactivity and behavioural problems.
Addressing these concerns from a holistic approach is important, gaining a clear picture of each child’s lifestyle including sleep habits, diet, nutritional deficiencies, and environmental toxin exposure is key as it paints a very clear picture as to what is happening inside each child. Working with diet and nutritional deficiencies is key to uncovering some of the underlying factors in a child sleep habits and behavioural issues.
Nutrient deficiencies can occur through poor diet and lack of absorption during digestion which occurs when there is poor gut health in the child.
Key nutrient deficiencies to look out for in children with sleep, fatigue, anxiety or behavioural issues:
Low zinc is associated with ADHD, low mood, and impaired immune function
Low levels of B12 in children may cause poor sleep onset, restless legs, and irritability
Low magnesium can cause restlessness and nightmares.
Omega -3
Low Omega 3 levels can use behavioural issues, mood and sleep
Low Iron
Sleep onset problems
Addressing nutrient deficiencies isn’t as simple as using supplements and this can definitely become a costly exercise if gut function is not addressed first as these supplements will not be absorbed properly. Poor gut function can be caused by use of antibiotics, medications such as neurofen and panadol, a diet which is full of processed foods, and sugars and low in key nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and nuts and organic meats.
Steps to help you improve behaviour and sleep issues in children:
1. Get testing done – a simple hair test can help to identify nutrient deficiencies, food intolerances and identify if poor gut function is at the root of the issue.
2. Address diet – remove processed foods and sugars, emulsifiers, and any foods that the child may be intolerant too.
3. Increase nutrients in the diet and include fresh leafy greens, good quality fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, good quality meats and poultry.
4. Begin a gut healing and liver detoxification program to improve nutrient absorption through the gut and reduce toxins in the body. Ensure it includes, glutathione, zinc, glutamine, selenium and Vitamin C.
5. Take a good quality probiotic daily, studies have shown that probiotics can improve gut function, food intolerances, allergies, and skin conditions.
6. Reduce toxin exposure, remove plastics, eat organic where possible.
Parenting can be very stressful, especially when our kids are not feeling great. If you are struggling to identify the underlying issues causing your child’s sleep issues or behavioural issues let me help you take the guess work out of it.
10 Signs You Have Candida and How to Eliminate it.
Exhausted? Trouble Concentrating? Gassy? Bloated? Poor memory? Food intolerances? Eczema, Psoriasis, or Rashes?
Sounds familiar? Candida may be the root cause of your health issue, to find out more click on the link to my latest blog post for more information and how to test for candida and successfully treat this condition.
Candida is one of the most common conditions I see in my clients, especially those with digestive issues. Candida is commonly the root cause of many people’s digestive issues, fatigue, brain fog, skin conditions, mood swings and many more.
So, what is Candida I hear you ask!
Candida is a yeast that lives in small amounts in our digestive tract, its main job is to support digestion and nutrient absorption. However, when it becomes overgrown throughout the digestive tract it can start to cause a wide range of different health issues. Typically, the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract will keep the candida balanced, however there are factors that can impact our healthy bacteria causing an imbalance and allowing the candida to proliferate causing leaky gut.
The top five factors that cause Candida:
1. Medications: Anti-biotics, Pain Medications, Contraceptive Pill, Immune Suppressants
2. Stress
3. Alcohol
4. A diet high in sugar and processed carbohydrates
5. Weakened Immune System
Candida is very good at protecting itself, so it can continue to grow in even the harshest conditions and once it starts to penetrate your intestinal lining it causes your gut to become leaky allowing undigested food particles to leak into your blood stream. This triggers an inflammatory response and your body begins to try and fight off these foreign invaders. Over time this can lead to an auto-immune disease.
10 Common Candida Symptoms:
1. Skin Conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, hives and rashes
2. Digestive Issues, such as bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhoea.
3. Multiple food intolerances
4. Reoccurring fungal infections such as thrush, or nail infections.
5. Hay fever
6. Carbohydrate or sugar cravings
7. Mood swings, anxiety, depression
8. Autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, hashimoto’s, lupus
9. Difficultly concentrating, poor memory, lack of focus, or brain fog
10. Extreme fatigue, fibromyalgia, or feeling run down.
Testing can be performed in order to identify if Candida is the culprit. Once identified, by the following steps you can begin to treat the candida, repair your gut and restore your gut flora.
1. Starve the Candida by removing all foods from your diet that it feeds on. This means cutting out all sugars and alcohol and limiting your carbohydrate consumption including high sugar fruits and starchy carbohydrates.
2. Attack the candida and break it off at the roots and destroying the cell walls. This can be done by using antifungal herbal supplements that include Pau d'Arco, Barberry, Wormwood, Garlic, Grapefruit seed extract, Thyme Oil, and Rosemary. In order to find the right supplement for you its best to work with a qualified practitioner.
3. Rebalance your gut; now that you have successfully treated the candida it’s time to rebalance your microbiome with a high potency probiotic.
I recommend that you follow this treatment plan for 30 days in order to successfully treat your candida symptoms.
Candida can be tricky to identify so if you’d like more information on how to test for candida and successfully treat this condition then please feel free to contact me at for more information.
Love your Liver - how to detox your liver in 5 easy steps
Did you know that the liver performs over 500 functions in the body, and is one of the most important organs.
That is why it is so important to ensure we are taking good care of our liver. It is very easy for your body to become easily overloaded with toxins such as polluted air, chemically loaded food and drinks, and processed sugars. All of these things are stressful on the liver. Therefore, protecting this major organ which is responsible for detoxification is very important.
The following symptoms are signs that your liver needs some love and support: A
A short fuse or bad temper
Waking up around 2am
Bloating easily
Daily alcohol consumption
Daily long term caffeine consumption
Waking up hot during the night
Skin Rashes, eczema, rosacea
Poor sleep after consuming alcohol
Not hungry for breakfast
When it comes to detoxification of the liver, there are 2 phases. These are known as phase 1 and phase 2, and for each phase of detoxification there are specific nutrients required.
Phase 1
For phase one the required nutrients include;
B vitamins
Milk Thistle
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Phase 2
For phase 2 liver detoxification the following nutrients are required;
So now you know all of these, how can you detox your liver for better skin, sleep quality, digestion and energy? Here are 6 simple steps
Remove liver loaders, these include caffeine, processed foods, sugars, alcohol, toxins.
Drink filtered water, eat organic foods, cut out all the junk food, processed foods and sugars, cut out alcohol, caffeine and beauty products that contain nasty chemicals.
Stay hydrated - start your day consuming 500mls of warm water with a dash of fresh lemon juice.
The lemon alkalises your body, and stimulates your digestion and liver function as well as hydrating your body.
Supplement with liver cleansers
There are 2 phases involved in a liver detox, phase one and phase 2. These phases involve the use of herbs such as Milk Thistle, Dandelion and Artichoke as well as supplements such as high quality vitamin B supplements, selenium, glutathione, vitamin C, vitamin E, and cystine as well as sulphur. Working with a practitioner can help you to know what to take and when.
Detox baths and dry body brushing.
Relaxing in a magnesium salt bath 2-3 times a week can help to draw out any toxins stored in the body. Dry body brushing with a good quality natural brush beforehand can also stimulate your lymphatic system to help remove toxins from your system.
Deep breathing has shown to be beneficial when it comes to removing toxins from the body.
Eat a healthy well balanced diet full of nutrient rich foods.
You cannot use supplements as a cure for a poor diet, eating a diet rich in nutrient dense foods is key in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
If you have any questions or would like some guidance on how you can regain your health by toxins our liver, please contact me. Id love to help.
Is SIBO the root cause of your health issue?
Do you suffer from SIBO?
Do you suffer from digestive complaints? Bloating that doesn’t seem to go away no matter what you eat? Cramping? Multiple food intolerances? Brain fog? Constipation? Exhaustion, Depression and anxiety? or Vitamin and mineral deficiencies? You may be suffering from a bacterial overgrowth known as SIBO.
What is SIBO?
What is SIBO exactly? SIBO stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which means that the bacteria in your small intestine is out of balance. Most of our gut bacteria is meant to live in our large intestine and colon, where they break down food, synthesize vitamins, and eliminate waste. When these “healthy” bacteria that are normally found in the large intestine and colon move into the small intestine SIBO occurs, causing leaky gut, liver overload, poor immunity, and brain fog.
SIBO significantly impacts our digestion of food and absorption of nutrients because it damages the gut lining.
What are the symptoms of SIBO?
· Bloating, gas and cramping
· Constipation
· Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
· Depression and anxiety
· Exhaustion (from not absorbing key nutrients)
· Food intolerances such as gluten, casein, lactose, fructose, and histamine.
· Trouble digesting carbs and FODMAP foods.
· Illnesses such as fibromyalgia, diabetes and autoimmune diseases
· Rosacea and other skin rashes
· Joint pain
What causes SIBO?
· Anti-biotic use is a common cause of SIBO, even one dose can have an impact
· Birth control pills
· Overconsumption of alcohol, sugar and processed foods
· Medications such as ibuprofen
How can you test for SIBO?
SIBO can be tested by doing a breath test or a stool analysis.
Can SIBO be treated?
With the right treatment plan SIBO can definitely be eradicated so you can get back to feeling your best.
The first steps to getting rid of SIBO include:
· Starving the bad bacteria by removing foods such as sugar, alcohol and carbs
· Following a GAPs diet
· Attacking the bacteria with anti-microbial herbs
· Restoring the good bacteria and rebalancing the microbiome with probiotics
· Supporting the adrenals and thyroid with supplements and herbal remedies
· Lifestyle changes and stress management
If you think you might be suffering with SIBO and would like more info I’d love to hear from you.
Do you have low Progesterone?
Do you have spotting before your period? A heavy menstural flow? Poor sleep and anxiety? Mood swings? Unexplained infertility?
These signs may be indicating that you have low progesterone.
Low progesterone may be contributing to your unexplained infertility as it is one of the key hormones in supporting a pregnancy as it maintains the lining of the uterus which makes it possible for a fertilized egg to impant and survive, and it is also resposible for supporting the developing embryo.
If you suspect you may be low in progesterone a simple and cost effective salvia test can be preformed. If your progesterone is low, you can increse your levels naturally by following these easy steps.
Excess Estrogen may be a factor in your low progesterone so reduce your exposure to xenoestrogens can help to lower your estrogen levels naturally.
Avoid toxic cleaning products
All plastics
Eat Organic meats
Avoid petrochemically pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides
Eating fat gives your body the nutrients it needs to create hormones, and cholesterol plays a big rols in the synthesis of progesterone. Eating fat also balances your blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity.
Studies have shown that Vitamin C can boost progesterone levels and correct any luteal phase defects. Food sources of Vitamin C include, Kiwi Fruit, Sweet Potato, Strawberries, Mixed Berries, Lemons, and Brussel Sprouts.
Zinc helps the pituitary gland to release follicle stimulating hormones which encourage ovulation and they also stimulate your ovaries to release more progesterone. Food sources include, oysters, red meat, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds and cashwe nuts.
Vitamin B is involved in the metabolism of estrogen and can easily become depleted when estrogen dominace is a problem. Vitamin B6 has been shown to reduce estrogen while increasing progesterone.
Vitex is my favorite herb to use when dealing with progesterone deficiency. When used over a three month period Vitex has been shown to sucessfully increase progesterone levels.
Our liver metabolizes our hormones so by supporting the liver it can balance the estrogen / progersterone ratios. Drinking warm water with lemon each morning or using 1g of NAC daily has been shown to have benefits in reducing excess hormones in the liver.