Kylie Sartori Kylie Sartori

Say Good-Bye to Hayfever!

Spring is in the air, how amazing is this weather! As much as I love the smell of the flowers starting to bloom, I also know what this means for so many people....HAYFEVER!

For those that suffer from hay fever spring time can be a tough time of year, from constant sneezing to itchy eyes, runny nose, scratchy throat, fatigue, mood swings, fatigue, irritability, hives, eczema, and eczema concentration and focus it can leave you feeling miserable and exhausted.

Limiting your time outdoors can help to relive your symtoms but who want to do that after being stuck inside all winter!

Did you know that hay fever is most likely caused by an underlying health condition that can be treated and help to improve your symptoms.

Common treatments for hay fever include, antihistamines, corticosteroids and decongestants, and whilst these over the counter medications may work to reduce your symptoms and counteract the effect of the histamine produced by the body they do have unwanted side effects.

The most common are:

  • drowsiness

  • impaired performance

  • dryness of the eyes, nose and mouth

  • restlessness

  • abdominal distress

  • unusual bleeding and bruising

  • heart palpitations

  • insomnia

It’s important to remember that over the counter medications do not work to cure your allergies, they simply reduce your symptoms for a short period of time. These medications are also not safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and also children.

In order to improve your symptoms there are foods that you can avoid during allergy season and these include:

  1. Wheat and gluten

  2. these include:

  3. Alcohol

  4. Diary

  5. Chocolate

  6. Peanuts

  7. Sugar and artificial sweeteners

  8. Processed foods

  9. Soy

There may also be foods that you are intolerant too which may be worsening your symptoms, and by either following an elimination diet or by having a hair test done this can identify any underlying food intolerances and take the guess work out of the process which will also make it a lot quicker to identify which foods are causing the issue.

Studies have also shown that by improving your gut health and eating a diet rich in probiotics foods this can also work to reduce your hay fever symptoms.

By including foods such as:

  1. Probiotic-rich foods (kefir, sauerkraut, kiminchi, kombucha)

  2. Bone broth

  3. Apple cider vinegar

  4. Fresh organic vegetables

  5. Grass-fed meats

  6. Free-range poultry

  7. Wild-caught fish

There are also a range of supplements and herbs that can be used to help treat your condition and these include:

  1. Quercetin

  2. Probiotics

  3. Vitamin A

  4. Zinc

  5. Albizia

  6. Licorice

  7. Ginkgo

  8. Marshmallow

As a naturopath I work to help you identify the underlying cause of your health condition in order to improve your health condition once and for all as opposed to treating your symtoms only.

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Kylie Sartori Kylie Sartori

How To Heal a Leaky Gut

As the age-old Hippocratic saying goes, "All disease begins in the gut". When your gut is unhealthy, it can cause more than just the obvious symptoms such as stomach pain, gas, bloating, or diarrhea. Gut imbalances have been linked to hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, eczema and other skin conditions, hay fever, thyroid imbalances, adrenal fatigue, poor immune function and autoimmune diseases. Between 60-80% of our immune system is located in our gut, and 90% of our happy hormone serotonin is made in our gut. So, you can see why good gut health has such a strong connection to not only immunity, but also mood and your overall health.

There are many factors that contribute to our gut health, such as a poor diet high in processed food, sugars, fatty foods, stress, poor sleep quality, and alcohol. Certain medications may also lead to poor gut health as they damage the intestinal lining and protective mucus layers. These medications include antibiotics, steroids, asprin, the contraceptive pill and neurofen. 

So how do you know if you have a leaky gut?

10 signs you have leaky gut: 

  • Digestive problems such as bloating, diarrhea and constipation. 
  • Headaches
  • Food sensitivities
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Skin conditions like eczema and acne
  • Weight gain
  • Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease or Crohn's
  • Depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD

How to heal your gut:

1. Remove

The first step to healing your gut is to remove the bad, remove all the foods and medications that are having a negative effect on your gut health. This includes, inflammatory foods, such as gluten, dairy, alcohol, soy and sugar. You may also need to treat infections such as parasites, yeast, or bacteria. Removing the infections may require treatment with herbs, anti-parasite medication, antifungal medication, antifungal supplements, or even antibiotics.

2. Replace

The second step is to replace the good, start adding back in the essentials required for good digestion and nutrient absorption. This includes digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, glutamine to heal and seal the gut, omega-3 fatty acids vitamin A, C, and E, as well as herbs such as slippery elm and aloe vera.

Eating a whole food diet is also important, high fibre foods will help to eliminate the toxins through the large intestine, colourful vegetables, mixed berries, nuts, and seeds.

3. Reinoculate

Restoring beneficial bacteria to in key in re-establishing a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut.  This can be done by taking a probiotic supplement that contains beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacillus species. Also, taking a prebiotic (food for the good bacteria) supplement or consuming foods high in soluble fibre is important.

4. Repair and Rebalance

Once you are on the path to wellness, it is time to focus on long lasting lifestyle changes in order to ensure you stay well balanced. Eating mindfully by relaxing as you eat and ensuring your food is well chewed as this stimulates the start of digestion, calm your nervous system and ensure it stays out of flight or flight mode and is in rest and digest mode.

If you suspect you have a leaky gut and would like to take part in my gut healing program, please get in touch for more information.



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Kylie Sartori Kylie Sartori

Non Toxic Cleaning Products - Lemon Surface Spray

Making your own cleaning products is great way to ensure they are chemical free and safe for your family. Since having my daughter I am very conscious of the amount of toxins she is exposed too, and whilst we cannot control everything why not control the areas that we can! Considering the amount of items I see her put in her mouth  daily, I decided the best and safest (and cheapest!) thing for my family was to make my own cleaning products, and you can too!  

Many household cleaners contain toxic chemicals. These chemicals have been shown to increase the chances of respiratory difficulties, neurological problems, asthma attacks, dizziness, migraine headaches.

Children are often more vulnerable to chemical exposure during developmental stages, and certain chemicals may interfere with the development of their neurological, endocrine, and immune systems.  Main routes of exposure: eating, drinking, breathing, and touching.

Younger children have higher respiratory rates than adults, therefore they absorb more air contaminants per unit of weight, meaning they experience a higher inhaled dose. 



  • 1 cup warm water
  • 500ml Glass bottle 
  • 1/3 cup white vinegar
  • 20 drops DoTerra Lemon essential oil and 10 drops OnGaurd Essential Oil
  • Top wth distilled water


  1. In a spray bottle, combine water and vinegar.
  2. Add essential oil of choice. Shake well.
  3. Use on counters, wood, glass, stainless steel, and porcelain.
  4. Wipe with a microfiber cloth or paper towel.



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Kylie Sartori Kylie Sartori

Promoting Lymphatic Drainage

Our lymphatic system plays a huge role in detoxification process in our body, keeping your lymphatic system healthy is crucial for not only for detoxification, but also for immunity, and overall health. If you have been living with an unresolved health issue, one area you might want to address is detoxification.

What is the lymphatic system and how does it work? 

The lymphatic system, runs parallel to the circulatory system, and it contains a hundreds of lymphatic vessels and nodes which are all throughout the body. This system carries a clear fluid, known as lymph around the body. This lymphatic fluid works to deliver vital white blood cells throughout the body in order to help to fight infection and disease.  This ymph fluid is also where toxins are deposited from the body which are then filtered by the lymph nodes.

The lymphatic system is also a vital part of our immune system, and when it becomes overloaded and the lymph fluid isnt able to flow freely it impacts our immune system enabeling toxins to build up. Toxin overload then leads to infection and disease. 

Signs that your lymphatic system is overloaded include: 

  1. Swelling in your fingers/rings fitting more tightly
  2. Brain fog
  3. Digestive issues, bloating, constipation 
  4. Depression
  5. Sinus infections
  6. Skin problems/dry and or itchy skin
  7. Enlarged lymph nodes
  8. Chronic fatigue
  9. Feeling sore or stiff  in the morning
  10. Excess weight
  11. Cold hands and feet
  12. Constipation
  13. Food sensitivities
  14. Increased illnesses such as colds and flu and respiratory infections. 

Some tips to help get your lymhatic system moving again include: 

  1.  Dry body brushing

  2. Drinking warm water with lemon first thing in the morning 

  3. Excercise/Movement. Walking, Yoga, Strength Training 

  4. Drinking plenty of water 

  5. Deep breathing

  6. Detox baths with epsom salts

  7. Lymphatic Massage 

  8. Acupuncture 

You may also want to support the detoxification process with herbal remedies, herbs that support lymphatic detoxification include: 

Cleavers (Galium aparine)

Cleavers enhances the function of the lymphatic system and improves its ability to flush out toxins, decrease congestion, and reduce swelling.

Calendula officinalis (Pot Marigold)

Calendula cleanses body tissues, and contains anti-inflammatory purposes, it is mainly used for swollen lymph nodes.

Dandelion (Taraxacm officinale)

Dandelion is an excellent detoxifying and purifying agent.  It is great for cleansing the lymph system of any built-up waste.

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)

Primarily used as an anti-inflammatory, goldenseal also boosts the cleansing process of the lymphatic system.


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Kylie Sartori Kylie Sartori

Natural ways to give your immune system a boost this winter

Most of us only really think about our immune system in winter when we start to get run down and become unwell with the common cold, flu or respiratory infection, however it is important to look after our immune system all year round in order to keep us well and protect us from infectious diseases and other health conditions.  

During the winter months, we become even more susceptible to illness and there is an even greater need to support our immune system as there are over 200 viruses that cause the common cold and these viruses are highly contagious as they can survive on a surface from anywhere between a few hours, to several days.

There are many factors that may cause our immune system to become compromised and these may include things such as stress, prescription medications, toxins from our beauty products, cleaning product, pesticides on our food, poor sleep, poor gut health, and a diet that is deficient in nutrients.

So how can you stay strong and balanced this winter, here are some top tips to help you stay healthy this winter:

1.    Eat a balanced diet full of nutrient rich foods

Nutrients such as vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as minerals such as zinc, and Omega 3s can all support your immune system. Ensure you focus on eating whole foods such as nuts and seeds, fresh fruit such as berries, kiwi fruit, lemons, and leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, kale, and brussel sprouts and also focus on a good quality animal protein. Avoid processed foods, fried foods, refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, and soft drinks as these are damaging to your gut health and your immune system.

2.    Vitamin D

Vitamin D is great for strengthening our immune system, however it is difficult to get enough sunshine during the winter months, therefore supplementation may be necessary.

3.    Vitamin C and Zinc

Taking a zinc and vitamin C supplement has been shown to shorten the severity and duration of the common cold, flu and other respiratory tract infections as well as act as a preventative for all sorts of other infections.

4.    NAC (N-acetyl cysteine)

N-acetyl cysteine is an amino acid that is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-viral that can be used to treat upper respiratory infections and provide relief from the common cold. It is also beneficial for treating and preventing the symptoms associated with asthma and chronic bronchitis eliminating mucus and opening the airways.

5.    Herbal Remedies

Herbs such as Echinacea, Elderberry, and Astragalus Root have been known to help the body fight off infection boosting immune function and shortening the duration of your cold and flu.

6.    Probiotics

80% of our immune system is located in our digestive system. So, having a healthy gut is important for a strong immune system. Probiotics are good bacteria that can be found in fermented foods, such as raw sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, and kimchi, or in the form of supplements. If you are looking for a good quality probiotic, it’s best to choose a brand that offers different sources of bacteria and one that is refrigerated. 

7.    Drink plenty of water

Water is the best way to cleanse our body of toxins and ensure our system stays healthy and hydrated as well as help strengthen our immune system, aim for at least 2 litres of water per day.

8.    Go Caffeine Free

A coffee in the morning may help to wake you up and get you going, however it raises our stress hormones cortisol and supresses the immune system. Try switching to a green or herbal tea instead.

9.    Reduce Stress

Much like caffeine, stress also raises our cortisol levels, so by reducing our stress levels, we reduce cortisol and strengthen the immune system. By implementing techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing, light exercise, or a relaxing massage, this can help to reduce our stress levels and strengthen our immune systems.

10. Avoid medications if possible

As much as possible try to avoid medications such as anti-biotics and over the counter cold and flu medications. Whilst over the counter medications may help to relieve your symptoms temporarily, they actually prolong your illness and make it harder for your immune system to do its job and fight off infection.

Try to avoid taking anti-biotics if possible, as they destroy the friendly bacteria in the digestive system and suppress immune functions. Always try to find an alternative first.

11. Get plenty of sleep

Ensuring you are getting 7-8 hours of good quality sleep per night can help to reduce the risk of illness as the body rejuvenates, repairs and strengthens when we sleep.

12. Stay away from the toxins 

We are surrounded by toxins every day, they are in our cleaning products, our personal care products, and even on our food, many of which are dangerous to our immune system. Try using toxin free products and chose organic food in order to minimise your toxin exposure.

13. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol is known to suppress the immune system which makes it harder for the body to fight any cold or flu virus going around. Try drinking smoothies, juices and herbals tea instead.

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